Our project A Constitution for the Earth is gaining support:
Hnutí DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic is one of the largest and best-known Czech non-governmental environmental organizations. Hnutí DUHA advocates better environmental policies, and works with the public, policy makers, experts and journalists. It actively motivates people to make changes that limit pollution and conserve nature.
Non-profit organization EkoCentrum Brno has been active since 1990, promoting environmentally-friendly ways of life. We motivate and inspire people, provide advice useful in everyday life as well as valuable personal experience.
We are experts in biomass, renewable energy sources and composting technology.
Publishing house PRO actively supports Prof. Josef Šmajs in getting his voice heard across the world.
The civic association Sieť Dobra, which aims to influence and support the positive change in society, provided a Slovak version of this site by the end of 2017. The mission of the association is to find and connect the bearers of natural human values, to create the conditions for their dissemination, active support and the creation of sustainable societies.